
From the third year on, the student devotes the bulk of his/her time to original research and the preparation of their doctoral thesis.

Identification of the Mentor and Research Area

Mentors are typically chosen at the beginning of the second year, but no later than the end of the second year. Potential thesis students and mentors are encouraged to use this mentorship agreement as a guide to set expectations for trainee-mentor relationships.

Once a thesis mentor is identified, research toward the thesis begins. In the third year and thereafter, the student is engaged in full-time laboratory research in the mentor’s laboratory. If a fellowship grant is not obtained, students are supported by the mentor from third year onward. For advice on picking a graduate advisor, view Ben Barres’ editorial in Neuron.

Thesis Advisory Committee

This is formed in the third year and includes at least three IPN faculty members with expertise in areas relevant to the student’s research and an established scientist from another institution. The outside thesis member is sometimes identified later than the members from Georgetown. The thesis mentor is not part of the Thesis Advisory Committee, but attends the meetings.

Members of the Thesis Advisory Committee must be approved by the Student Advisory Committee Chair, including the outside member. After approval, the members of the thesis committee designate a chair of the committee who helps the student facilitate the meeting.

The student meets with their Advisory Committee at least once a year to discuss and evaluate research progress. It is recommended that Thesis Advisory Committee meetings take place immediately following the annual Student Seminar. A summary of the thesis committee meeting is completed by the Chair of the Advisory Committee using the Thesis Committee Meeting form. This form is available on DocuSign and will be initiated by the Program Coordinator.

GSAS Thesis Proposal

A thesis proposal is prepared during the third year and must be submitted to the GSAS via the IPN’s Program Coordinator. This short proposal defines an original and significant research problem, assesses the research literature critically, suggests feasible experimental approaches to the problem and presents any available preliminary data in support of the approach. The thesis proposal should be presented to the Thesis Advisory Committee at its first meeting in the third year. The Thesis Proposal Form, signed by the thesis committee and IPN Program Director will be completed in DocuSign and initiated by the IPN Program Coordinator. The proposal, with any recommended modification, should be formally accepted by the Thesis Advisory Committee not later then the end of the third year and added to the student’s file.

Thereafter, the student meets with his/her Advisory Committee at least once a year to discuss and evaluate research progress and modify the initial proposal if required. It is highly recommended that meetings are held just after the Student Seminar talk with another meeting scheduled ~5 months later, if necessary. These meetings are an opportunity to present data and get feedback from the committee with regard to the direction and progress of the project. The student is encouraged to prepare an agenda and a short handout. The only role of the committee chair is to aid the student in efficiently running the meeting. 

Thesis Forms

The thesis forms should be completed via DocuSign. Contact the program director to initiate the completion of these forms.