
Students are required to complete 34 credits of coursework, including 24 credits of required courses and 10 credits of elective courses. Most of the required courses are taken in the 1st year and the electives and statistics requirement are taken the 2nd year.

Summer Required Courses

0 credits

The Experiences in Neuroscience Course, also known as the summer course, is a six-week review of the material incoming students are expected to be familiar with upon entrance to the IPN. Incoming students can identify areas of weakness which need to be bolstered over the course of the first year.

This course provides an overview of the basic cell types and systems of the brain and a hands-on primer on neuroanatomy. It is a prerequisite for NSCI-501 and is designed to bring all students to the same starting point regardless of prior coursework to enable a smooth transition into the fall semester. 

Senior IPN students organize, direct, and teach this course to incoming, first-year IPN students in the summer. The course provides an excellent opportunity for senior students to gain teaching experience in a low-pressure atmosphere.

0 credits

Summer Lab Rotation is required for all new incoming students. It provides full-time status.

Fall Required Courses

4 credits

This semester starts with an overview of the brain and continues with an examination of neurons and glial cells, brain wiring, neuroanatomy, action potentials, synaptic transmission, the autonomic nervous system, the somatic sensory system, and motor function. The classes include lectures and discussions. Grades for this course will be based on a final exam, quizzes, and class participation.

2 credits

Advanced Neuroscience I is part of the first-year core curriculum for the Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience. In Advanced Neuroscience I, PhD-level students will hear lectures from expert neuroscientists that will address advanced cellular and molecular neuroscience concepts in depth.

2 credits | Friday, 1:30pm – 3:30pm

In this course, students are introduced to ongoing research in the laboratories of the Neuroscience Graduate Faculty and the generation, submission, and revision of grants are discussed. The schedule is on Canvas.

1 credit | Wednesday 9:00am – 9:50am

In this class, students participate in the discussion and critical analysis of the current research literature. It is designed to complement the core course and is required for all students enrolled in NSCI 5002 and NSCI 5005.

2 credits | Wednesday, 4:00pm – 5:40pm

This class ties the molecular/cellular/systems neuroscience presented in the core courses to clinically relevant diseases of the nervous system.

2 credits | Tuesday, 10:00am – 11:30am ; Thursday, 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Course Instructor: Patrick Forcelli

This course gives a practical, and totally non-theoretical, approach to data analysis and experimental design. It is taught by practicing scientists.

0 credits

Fall Lab Rotation is required.

Spring Required Courses

6 credits | MWF, 10:00am – 12:00pm

The one-year series of Core Courses in Neuroscience is designed to introduce basic concepts and experimental strategies used to achieve our current awareness of the structure and function of the nervous system.

1 credit | Wednesday 9:00am – 9:50am

In this class, students participate in the discussion and critical analysis of the current research literature. It is designed to complement the core course and is required for all students enrolled in NSCI 5002 and NSCI 5005.

2 credits | Wednesday, 4:45 – 6:45pm

This class involves discussions between students and faculty about ethical issues in the conduct of biomedical research. It also seeks to provide students with skills important to success as a scientist.

1 credit | Wednesday, 12:30pm – 3:30pm

Structural and functional human neuroanatomy for understanding normal brain connectivity and alterations in disease states. Schedule and meeting times can be found on Canvas. This course starts in April and ends in May.

0 credits

Spring Lab Rotation is required.

Recommended Electives

NSCI 6001: Advanced Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience
2 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructor: Wang

NSCI 6003: Functional MRI: Theory & Practice
3 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructor: Van Meter 

NSCI 6004: Neuroscience of Language I
2 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructors: Turkeltaub and Newport

NSCI 6005: Neuroscience of Language II
2 credits | Spring Semester
Course Instructor: Turkeltaub and Newport

NSCI 6006: Computational Neuroscience
2 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructor: Riesenhuber

NSCI 6007: Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration
3 credits | Spring Semester
Course Instructor: Main

INNS 6301: Neurobiology of Drug Addiction
2 credits | Spring Semester
Course Instructor: Mocchetti

INNS 6310: Principles of Neuroimmunology
2 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructor: Main

BCMC 5001: Biochemical & Cellular Sciences
4 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructor: Jones

BIOL 5798: Synaptic Transmission
3 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructor: Maguire-Zeiss

BSPA 6606: Public Policy for Scientists
3 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructors: Fischer and Winkleman

ICOS 7710: Cognitive Science Core Course
3 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructors: Newport and Marsh

ICOS 7712: Cognitive Science Seminar
3 credits | Spring Semester
Course Instructors: Newport and Marsh

PHAR 5000: Introduction to Pharmacology
2 credits | Spring Semester
Course Instructor: Dezfuli

PHAR 6000: Principles of Pharmacology
4 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructors: Ahern and Dezfuli

PHAR 6504: Medicinal Plants & Pharmacognosy
3 credits | Spring Semester
Course Instructor: Fugh-Berman

PHSL 6534: Cellular & Molecular Physiology
4 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructor: Sherman

PSYC 5001: Lifespan Development: Brain & Cognition
3 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructor: Barr

PSYC 5003: Cognitive Neuroscience
3 credits | Spring Semester
Course Instructor: Green

TBIO 6588: Preparing a Scientific Paper
2 credits | Spring Semester
Course Instructor: Wellstein

Statistics and Experimental Design Electives

IPN students are expected to have mastery of statistics and experimental design. This is most often accomplished by taking a graduate-level statistics course.

NSCI 5009: Practical Data Analysis & Experimental Design
1.5 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructor: Forcelli

PSYC 5005: Quantitative Methods in Psychology II
3 credits | Fall Semester
Course Instructor: Ryan


Individualized instruction on advanced topics in Neuroscience by faculty in the IPN program. Students need to set up tutorials by contacting the faculty member they want to serve as their tutor, outlining the plan of study, and filling out the appropriate form to register the tutorial with approval from the IPN Curriculum Chair.

NSCI 9001: Tutorial: NSCI
1-4 credits | Fall Semester
Use course code if you’re taking only 1 tutorial in the Fall Semester