DocuSign Form Requests
Several DocuSigns are required throughout the duration of the IPN for all students for Grad School and IPN records. Always consult your Student Handbook for all your requirements. The student will submit a request to the Program Administrator (Katie VanHouten) for some of the DocuSign forms. More information below. If you would like to suggest edits for the google forms or the info below, please reach out to Katie.
Pre and Post Rotation Forms
IPN Pre-Rotation Form
• When: First week of each semester during first year of the program.
• Purpose: Summary of rotation topic, location, dates, and details.
• No need to initiate: The Program Administrator will initiate the form.
• Who signs the Pre-Rotation DocuSign: Student, Rotation Supervisor, 1st Year SAC Chair
IPN Post-Rotation Form
• When: End of each semester during first year of the program
• Purpose: Summary of progress with rotations
• No need to initiate: The Program Administrator will initiate the form.
• Who signs the Post-Rotation DocuSign: Student, Rotation Supervisor, 1st Year SAC Chair
Extra info: Contact Katie if you do not receive your pre/post rotation form at the start/end of the semester. The DocuSign forms will typically be completed by the student and supervisor within 2 weeks of the start/end of the rotation.
Master’s in Passing
- When: 2nd year; a Master’s in Passing allows doctoral students to receive a master’s degree while working towards their PhD; a Terminal Master’s degree is for when a student leaves the IPN program.
- Requirements: Must have 34 credits completed and a 3.0 GPA. 19 credits and a 3.0 GPA for MD/PhD students in the IPN.
- DocuSign document: Master’s in Passing or Terminal Master’s
- When it is initiated: When requested by the student, if all qualifications are met. The IPN student will speak with the DGS, Kathy Maguire-Zeiss, prior to submitting a request for the MS in Passing DocuSign.
- Extra Info: Additional steps are listed on the linked google request form relating to graduation. Also, students seeking a Masters in Passing, intending to leave the IPN, should NOT apply to graduate in GU Experience (DocuSign initiates the graduation process.)
- Who signs the DocuSign: Student (1st), Academic Coordinator (2nd), DGS (3rd)
Written Comprehensive Exam
When: The written comprehensive exam is taken at the end of year 1. This form indicates the student completed their written comprehensive exam & the outcome.
Requirements: Must have a 3.0 GPA, course 1st Year coursework but be a B or better, and passing grades in any non-core IPN coursework.
DocuSign document: BGE Comps & Qual Exam Ballot
Typically, no need to initiate: This form is initiated by the Program Coordinator; however a request can be submitted for a remediation exam after a discussion with the DGS, Kathy Maguire-Zeiss.
Who signs the DocuSign: Administrator [Katie] (1st), Exam Committee Chair (2nd), Examiners (3rd), DGS [KMZ] (4th), and the Registrar’s Office (5th)
Oral Qualifying Exam
When: The written comprehensive exam must be successfully completed no later than May 31st of Year 2. This form indicates the student completed their oral qualifying exam & the outcome. Any remediation after the initial exam must be completed by June 30th during Year 2. The Oral QE must be passed before
ascending to candidacy and full-time Thesis Research.
DocuSign document: BGE Comps & Qual Exam Ballot
When it is initiated: The student will submit this request four or more weeks prior to the Oral Qualifying Exam. The form can also be submitted for a remediation exam after a discussion with the DGS, Kathy Maguire-Zeiss. Please notify your committee to watch for the DocuSign.
Who signs the DocuSign: Administrator [Katie] (1st), Exam Committee Chair (2nd), Examiners (3rd), DGS [KMZ] (4th), and the Registrar’s Office (5th)
Mentor Commitment Form
When: Start of 2nd year; This form indicates that the student and mentor are entering into an agreement for mentorship and a proposed research project.
DocuSign document: Mentor Commitment Form
When it is initiated: The student will submit this form at the start of their 2nd Year in the IPN once a mentor has been agreed upon. Submit another request if a co-mentor is added later on.) Please notify your mentor to watch for the DocuSign.
Who signs the DocuSign: Student (1st), thesis mentor (2nd), Co-Mentor (2nd), and SAC is copied (Kathy Conant).
Also: A thesis laboratory should be identified before beginning the 2nd Year coursework. Identification of a thesis laboratory is necessary before preparation of the second-year oral qualifying exam can begin.
Thesis Proposal
Initiate Your Request
When: Start of 3rd year; This form indicates that the student has a project and work to do as a full-time thesis student.
DocuSign document: Thesis Proposal Form or BGE Thesis Proposal Form Petition
When it is initiated: The student will submit this form at the start of their 3rd Year, typically discussed at the IPN Student’s 1st Thesis Committee Meeting. Please submit your request at least 1 week prior to the meeting and notify your committee to watch for the DocuSign.
Who signs the DocuSign: Student (1st), thesis advisor/co-advisor & Committee chair (2nd), committee members (3rd), and DGS (4th).
Also: This DocuSign request is typically accompanied with an IPN student’s first Thesis Committee Meeting DocuSign request (see below).
Thesis Committee Meeting (general progress)
Initiate Your Request
When: 3rd thru 5th year; This form is completed whenever the student meets with their committee for updates.
DocuSign document: Thesis Proposal Form
When it is initiated: The student will submit this form at least 3 times in years 3 thru 5. Please submit your request at least 1 week prior to the meeting and notify your committee to watch for the DocuSign on the day of your meeting.
Who signs the DocuSign: Student (1st), thesis advisor/co-advisor & Committee chair (2nd), committee members (3rd), and DGS (4th).
Also: This DocuSign request is typically accompanied with a Thesis Proposal DocuSign request (see above) at an IPN student’s first Thesis Committee Meeting.
Public Dissertation Seminar and Private Defense Events – Request for Forms and Rooms
Initiate Your Request
By processing this request, a student is indicating that they’ a’re prepared to present their public dissertation and hold their private thesis defense events within approximately 6-8 weeks from the request date.
When: Typically held during an IPN student’s 5th year (up to 7th year).
DocuSign document: Three DocuSign forms will go out for this process:
➤ Reviewers Report Form – sent 2 weeks prior to events
• Purpose: this form officially submit the thesis to the committee and GSAS; it advises that the student’s dissertation is ready for defense & the student provides an abstract of their dissertation.
• Who signs it: Student (1st), Advisor (2nd), Committee members (3rd).
➤ Defense Report Form – sent immediately after private thesis defense
• Purpose: This form is to officially submit the outcome of the Private Thesis Defense to GSAS.
• Who signs it: Program Coordinator (1st), committee members (2nd), advisor/co-advisor (3rd) , DGS (4th). Please notify your committee to watch for the DocuSign on the day of your defense, or soon after, to ensure it is completed quickly.
➤ Dissertation Cover Sheet and ETD Form – sent immediately after private thesis defense
• Purpose: This form is for the student to grant rights and verifies that the committee has examined the dissertation & that they find it satisfactory.
• Who signs it: Student (1st), committee members (2nd), Advisor (3rd), DGS (4th). Please notify your committee to watch for this 2nd DocuSign on the day of your defense, or soon after, to ensure it is completed quickly.
When it is initiated: The student will submit this request to at least 6 weeks in advance of the events.
Who signs the DocuSign: Student (1st), thesis advisor/co-advisor & Committee chair (2nd), committee members (3rd), and DGS (4th).
Also: It is very important to check for emails from the IPN office, BGE, and GSAS before and after the events to ensure all requirements are fulfilled by deadlines. If edits are required for the thesis, the Dissertation Cover Sheet and ETD Form will be completed after the private defense, but please keep track of required deadlines related to graduation emailed by BGE and/or GSAS.